Jody’s 50th Song (to the tune of “The Other Day, I Saw a Bear” by Diane Jackson Gow, Susan Blondell Lindblad and Joanne Howard Landry

She started out in Cabin T. We did not know how long she’d be.

She started out in Cabin T. We did not know how long she’d be.


She jumped and swam and waterskied. She climbed some trees and skinned her knee.

She jumped and swam and water skied. She climbed some trees and skinned her knee.


She made it through the CITS and made new friends as a JC.

She made it through the CITS and made new friends as a JC.


The Junior kids were her big thing. She climbed the bars and pushed a swing.

The Junior kids were her big thing. She climbed the bars and pushed a swing.


The waterfront was her domain. She never lost her sporting game.

The waterfront was her domain. She never lost her sporting game.


And since that time, she’s held the ball. A Nellie Girl, she leads us all.

And since that time, she’s held the ball. A Nellie Girl, she leads us all.


And here we are our songs not done, ‘cuz Jody’s going to 51.

And here we are our songs not done, ‘cuz Jody’s going to 51.


We toast our friend for all she’s one, to all of us , she’s number 1.

We toast our friend for all she’s one, to all of us , she’s number 1.


Some of the wonderful alumni,

friends and family that attended

Jody’s 50th summer celebration at Camp Huckins