“Love the Life You Live” by Soe and Kiki Herman-Dunphy (staff 2018)

Love the life you live with all your heart and All your soul and all your mind and Love all humankind as you would Love yourself and   Love the life you live with all your heart And all your soul and mind and Let your light shine   We’ve got all our lives to live We’ve got all our hearts to give We’ve got all our lives to give We’ve got love inside our souls and it will make us whole   (sing the song through twice)

Chapel Talk by Liz Serio Eskenazi (CIT Counselor ’05)

“If you don’t like the way the world is, you can change it. You have an obligation to change it. You do it one step at a time” Marian Edelman What keeps campers coming back each summer as things change all around them at home – in school – in sports? Some of these campers keep coming for longer to be counselors. How is it possible that there is something here – so strong and so loved that draws all Huckonians back? I think that it is many things. It is the beauty in the wet grass in the morning, the lake Read More…

Chapel Talk by Izzy Ward (2018 SC in Cabin P and Double Huckster)

Chapel Talk July 17: A couple of months ago a family friend of mine asked me what my favorite thing about camp was. Ten years ago, I would have probably said decorating a clipboard in the craft shop or playing categories off the slide. Instead, however, I explained that my favorite thing about camp is that no matter the stress you face in the outside world or how long you have been away, camp always seems to remain the same. Each year may bring new faces and adventures you’ve never experienced before, but at the same time, we always seem Read More…

2017 Chapel Talk by Cat Maker (SC)

Ladies (and a few gentlemen), Congratulations on two, four, or nine weeks. You made it. You’re going back into the real world and it’s exciting, sad, and for some who are off to new things, it might also be a little scary. Now I could talk about all the things we’re gonna miss, all the things I love about camp, but I won’t. Because that’s not what today’s about. Today is about going back into the world, and figuring out how you’re gonna bring some of that Nellie spirit with you. I want everyone to look around right now. Look Read More…

Dear Old Camp Huckins by Nancy King Reilly ’44-’50

When I was ten years old my mother sent me off to camp for four weeks. She needed a rest more than I did, I fear. How I loved it! I sang camp songs and wrote to my new-found friends all that winter and returned the following summer. As a matter of fact, I returned for six summers. Each camp experience enriched my life and taught me valuable lessons in tolerance and understanding.               My last year at camp I was a counselor, responsible for several seven year olds. I think I grew up more in those six weeks than Read More…

Alumnae Weekend by S. Goodnough ’48-’55

“Alumnae Weekend”   And then we meet again Just around the bend I meet a Huckins girl And she becomes my friend You can see it in her face A happiness and grace A love that stirs so deep It dances in her sleep The dream that summer’s here, And Huckins days are near, How can it be so sweet This gift of finest wheat Sixty years have gone by As quickly as a sigh Today I was only eight Because it’s never too late To be a child once more To remember and reach out To days of happiness Read More…

Mother/Son Hucksters – Annie Perley and Issac Frazier

Mother/Son Camp Huckster Ceremony :  It was 1997 and I was 16 years old. I drove away from camp that day with tears in my eyes not knowing how I would ever re-create the joy I felt during my seven summers at camp, in the outside world – and here I am 19 years later with tears in my eyes realizing that I have been able to do that and so much more.  Little did I know, that in 2004 I would be given the most incredible gift of a son. There have been ups and downs, hard times and Read More…

Letters From Camp by Julia Himmelberger (July CIT ’16)

  Since I was ten, I’ve been going to the same sleepaway camp every summer. Leaving my phone and parents behind for two weeks to relax under the pines, sail off the shores of Lake Ossipee, sing songs, laugh until my stomach hurts, and have strangers become sisters in just 14 days, has been something I have cherished as the kick-off to my summers. Going to an all girls camp, I am free to live without the judgment from the other gender. Living without showering for days on end with just the cool lake waters to wash away the dirt Read More…